CU-TR Declaration and CU-TR certificate - what is the difference?
海关联盟技术法规符合性声明(DOC TR CU)是确认符合海关联盟规定标准的官方文件。
The Declaration of Conformity to Customs Union Technical Regulations (DoC TR CU) is an official document confirming compliance with the standards set by the Customs Union.
要确定您的产品是否需要强制CU-TR符合性声明,请参考海关联盟技术法规。每份海关联盟技术法规(TR CU)都有一个附件,规定您是否需要签发CU-TR合格证书或CU-TR声明。
To determine whether your products are subject to mandatory declaration, refer to the technical regulations of the Customs Union. Each regulation has an annex that specifies whether TR CU certificate of conformity or TR CU declaration should be issued.
为确保在欧亚经济联盟(EAEU)境内流通的香水和化妆品的安全,制定了 "关于香水和化妆品安全 "的技术法规 TR CU 009/2011。根据 TR CU 009/2011号法规化妆品符合该法规要求的确认方式是 TR CU 符合性声明(附件 12 清单所列产品除外)。
Technical Regulation CU 009/2011 "On the safety of perfumes and cosmetics" was developed to ensure the safety of perfumes and cosmetics in circulation in the territory of the Customs Union. According to TR CU 009/2011, compliance of cosmetic products with the requirements of the regulation is confirmed by a declaration of conformity to the TR CU (except for products included in the list according to Annex 12)
The most significant difference between certification and declaration lies in the distribution of responsibility. When a declaration of conformity is registered, full responsibility for the reliability of the document lies with the holder, regardless of whether he is the manufacturer of the product.